
Toy drive: a success story driven by solidarity

Toy drive: a success story driven by solidarity 1280 1920 Emilie Coene

At iKanbi, this season holds a special meaning, tinted with solidarity and sharing. This year, our toy drive has been more than just an event. It was a brilliant demonstration of generosity and support for a cause close to our hearts.

The donation call was launched in mid-November, and the response surpassed our wildest expectations. This time, we had the opportunity to collaborate with the Assistance à l’EnfanceAssociation.

Together, our goal was clear: to target children in the greatest need. It was a wonderful opportunity to spread a little magic and comfort among the most vulnerable children.

A meaningful collaboration with Assistance à l’Enfance

The association’s mission is to provide children in need with all forms of assistance, whether it’s material, moral, psychological, legal, or social support. This winter, they organized their 39th toy collection, an event supported by schools and businesses. It has led to the distribution of over 3900 toys to 1030 children.

The heart-wrenching reality of child poverty

The reality of child poverty in Belgium is heartbreaking, affecting more than one in ten children in the country. These figures reflect a worrying situation where many children are growing up in difficult economic conditions, facing daily challenges to meet their basic needs.

In this context, initiatives like toy redistribution hold crucial importance. These toys offer much more than entertainment; they bring hope and a sense of normalcy to these children, often deprived of simple childhood experiences.

A positive environmental impact

By giving toys a second life, it can have a positive and significant environmental impact. The reuse and recycling of toys help reduce the amount of waste sent to landfills, which is essential to preserve our environment.

A Warm Thank You to Our Committed Collaborators

We want to express our heartfelt gratitude to our collaborators whose active participation has been the key to this successful collection. Their generosity and dedication have been essential pillars in spreading this wave of solidarity.

Every smile we’ve brought about is a victory, a step toward a world where compassion and solidarity are fundamental values.

Thank you to everyone who contributed to making this toy collection a success.

At iKanbi, October will be pink

At iKanbi, October will be pink 1640 924 Emilie Coene

October brings many things: the changing of seasons, pumpkins, and Halloween decorations… But it is also marked by an extremely important cause, the fight against breast cancer. That’s why, throughout this October, we will be conducting awareness, information, and fundraising campaigns within iKanbi to support the Think Pink Association.

Pink ribbons for hope

One of the most recognizable symbols in the fight against breast cancer is the pink ribbon. These small ribbons carry great hope and have become the universal symbol of solidarity with those affected, near and far, by this disease. Throughout the month of October, we will be selling pink ribbons in support of the Think Pink Association. The proceeds from these sales will be fully donated to the Association to support their programs for prevention, early detection, and patient support.

Buying a pink ribbon is more than just a symbolic gesture. It is a concrete way to contribute to the fight against breast cancer and to help those affected by it navigate this challenge with courage and dignity.

Breast cancer screening awareness

Awareness is a key element of our commitment to the fight against breast cancer. We want all our female employees to be informed and aware of the importance of early detection. To this end, awareness campaigns are being organized throughout the month of October to help them better understand the risks and methods of breast cancer screening.

Early detection can save lives, and we want all our female employees to be proactive in terms of their health.

Join us in this crucial fight

The fight against breast cancer is a cause that is close to our hearts, and we believe in the power of collective action. We invite you to join us throughout the month of October by purchasing a pink ribbon, participating in our awareness campaigns, sharing information about breast screening, or simply expressing your solidarity with those fighting this disease.

Together, we can make a difference and contribute to a future where breast cancer is a thing of the past. Join us in this crucial fight for women’s health and for a world without breast cancer.

Collaboration iKanbi Smart2Circle

iKanbi is committed to a more sustainable future

iKanbi is committed to a more sustainable future 1640 924 Emilie Coene

Collaboration iKanbi Smart2Circle

At iKanbi, we believe in a more sustainable and responsible future for our planet. That’s why we are thrilled to announce our new collaboration with Smart2Circle as part of our commitment to sustainable development and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR).

Sustainable development is at the heart of our vision at iKanbi. We are convinced that every company has an essential role to play in preserving our planet and improving the quality of life for future generations. That’s why we have decided to take a new step to reduce our carbon footprint and enhance our social impact.

In this effort, we have chosen to work with Smart2Circle, a company specialized in assisting businesses in building a sustainable and circular strategy. Together, we will establish a comprehensive carbon footprint of our activities to identify sources of greenhouse gas emissions and areas where we can reduce our environmental impact.

But that’s not all! We will also develop a robust CSR strategy that will integrate our values, goals, and concrete actions in terms of social responsibility. This strategy will help us strengthen our commitment to our employees, clients, partners, and society as a whole.

We are determined to make this collaboration with Smart2Circle a success and transform iKanbi into an even more sustainable and socially responsible company. We will keep you informed of our progress throughout this journey towards a greener and more ethical future.

Together, we can make a difference. Thank you for joining us on this wonderful adventure towards a better world!

>>> Sustainable development is not new at iKanbi, discover our Ecovadis results <<<


iKanbi’s commitment to underprivileged children

iKanbi’s commitment to underprivileged children 800 1131 Emilie Coene

Since its inception, the iKanbi group has always been dedicated to playing a positive role in society by actively engaging in social and environmental causes. This year is no exception, and we are delighted to share our latest initiative with you, which brought smiles and hope to numerous underprivileged children through a collection of school supplies.

“The iKanbi group is aware of its responsibilities to the community, and as such, we have decided to implement a concrete action to make a difference in the lives of children facing economic and social challenges. With immense joy, we organized a collection of school supplies, aiming to provide children with the necessary tools to pursue their education peacefully,” stated Emilie Coene, Head of Marketing and Communication.

Mensenzorg vzwArc-En-Ciel AsblIn collaboration with the associations Arc-en-Ciel and Mensenzorg, we were able to distribute these supplies to children in greatest need. This successful collaboration has reinforced our belief that when businesses and organizations join community efforts, positive and lasting changes can be achieved.

This project not only resulted in the distribution of school supplies but also created moments of joy and solidarity within our teams. We are proud of our colleagues who demonstrated genuine commitment to this cause.

“At iKanbi, we view this action as a step forward toward a better and more inclusive future. We firmly believe that every gesture, no matter how small, can have a significant impact on the lives of those in need. That’s why we will continue to explore new ways to positively contribute to society and the environment,” added Emilie Coene.

We extend warm thanks to all who supported this initiative. Together, we prove that it is possible to create a better world by working hand in hand for the well-being of all!


EcoVadis Medal

The iKanbi group is awarded the EcoVadis bronze medal

The iKanbi group is awarded the EcoVadis bronze medal 1667 1667 Emilie Coene

iKanbi is pleased to announce that it has been awarded a bronze medal by EcoVadis for the group’s CSR efforts.

EcoVadis Medal

Conscious of the environmental, social and ethical challenges of sustainable development, the iKanbi group has spent several months developing a CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) approach with the objective of formulating and implementing a strategy and an action plan, focused on environmental responsibility, social responsibility and corporate governance.

To ensure that our efforts and our progress are visible to our customers, suppliers and employees and, as part of a proactive approach to the continuous improvement of our CSR policy, we decided to request an EcoVadis audit. As a result of this audit, we were awarded a prestigious bronze medal.

“Our bronze certification is a reflection of our group’s strong culture and values. It is also confirmation of the sustainable development efforts and initiatives we’ve implemented over the years. Of course, we will continue to implement continuous improvements in all these areas and we’d like to achieve silver certification by next year,” explains Alain Marbehant, Vice President of iKanbi.

What is EcoVadis certification?

Ecovadis is a platform which provides CSR ratings and helps companies of all sizes and in all industries to benchmark and improve their sustainability performance with an online platform, a universal scorecard and performance improvement tools.  The EcoVadis rating assesses the quality of the company’s CSR management system, based on 21 sustainability criteria and 4 themes:

  • The environment;
  • Labour and human rights;
  • Ethics;
  • Sustainable procurement.

You’ll find a new CSR section on our website soon.

Dounia et Silke, employées chez iKanbi

Portraits of Dounia and Silke, employees at our contact centre in Berchem

Portraits of Dounia and Silke, employees at our contact centre in Berchem 1920 1483 Emilie Coene

iKanbi Group opened our new site in Berchem in January 2023; it’s a contact centre which specialises in supporting and managing remote customer relationships. A multi-cultural hub which is home to plenty of talented professionals, our new site in Berchem is close to both Antwerp and BrusselsPublic transport and major roads are also close by; this is a major advantage.

iKanbi’s contact centre in Berchem boasts secure spaces across a single floor, totalling 1.250 m².

Our spaces are also designed to ensure the well-being of all our employees:

  • Relaxation areas
  • Ergonomic training rooms
  • Ergonomic furniture
  • A cafeteria
  • A coffee corner
  • A gym

And to tell you all about it, we’ve spoken with a couple of people who have contributed to iKanbi Berchem’s success.

Read on to find out what Dounia and Silke, 2 iKanbi employees from Antwerp, have to say.

Dounia et Silke, employées chez iKanbi

What is your role and what do you like most about your job?

Dounia: ” As a coach, I guide and support our agents to ensure that every customer interaction with our customer service is a positive experience. I’m proud to have contributed to this positive impact on our customers. I love the endless possibilities it offers and the unique situations it creates. It also gives me the opportunity to grow as a person and to develop my skills.”

Silke: ” I’m proud to have joined iKanbi six months ago as Customer Advisor! I help our customers deal with different situations and challenges. Every day, I’m surprised by our customers’ unique questions and stories. Being able to help them gives me a sense of satisfaction and I enjoy talking with them. I can put my talkative nature to good use in my job!”

Do you prefer working at home or in the office?

Dounia: “Although I’m more productive when working from home, I’m happy to be a part of the inspiring and stimulating work environment at the office. It’s the ideal place in which to build on my relationships with my team and to take advantage in-person coaching and mentoring.”

Silke: ” Although I like the convenience of working from home, I prefer to work in the office. I feel at home there and I like seeing my colleagues in person.”

How would you describe the atmosphere in the Berchem office?

Dounia: ” The Berchem office is an energising oasis! The young and dynamic atmosphere creates an inspiring and rewarding working environment in which I have the freedom to express my creativity and share my opinions. The motto “hard work pays off” motivates me to do my best every day.”

Silke: ” When you enter the office, you’re greeted by the dynamic energy of our fantastic colleagues. It’s a great place to work and grow and I really feel at home among all these amazing people.”

Do you have an inspiring story to share with us?

Dounia: ” As a coach, I have experienced countless inspiring events which have made me who I am today. From activities with colleagues to spontaneous brainstorming sessions, I’ve learned that there’s always an opportunity to embark on adventures and to have fun at work. It’s difficult to choose just one story; every day is an experience in itself. I’ve created so many good memories with my supervisor and the other agents which really motivate me!”

Silke: “Recently I received a call from a customer who called to say that he was really grateful to one of our colleagues. He appreciated what she’d done and asked me to thank her with a special message. This heart-warming moment gave me such a boost and showed me that we really do make a difference for our customers.”

>>> Do you want to join Dounia and Silke? Discover our job offers <<<

The iKanbi Group is proud to announce the opening of a new contact centre in Tangier, Morocco

The iKanbi Group is proud to announce the opening of a new contact centre in Tangier, Morocco 1920 1483 Emilie Coene

The iKanbi Group is proud to announce the opening of a new contact centre in Tangier, Morocco

Located at 25 Avenue Youssef Ibn Tachfine in Tangier, this will be the group’s sixth contact centre, in addition to those in Loncin, Berchem, Tirana, Maastricht and Casablanca. This new contact centre aims to provide specialist assistance and help desk services by phone, email and chat. read more

Nomination to the Trends Gazelles 2023

Nomination to the Trends Gazelles 2023 1585 1920 Emilie Coene

This year again, we are proud to announce that iKanbi Belgium has been nominated for the Trends Gazelles 2023.

But what are the Trends Gazelles?

For 22 years now, the Trends-Tendances and Trends editorial teams have been selecting 50 to 250 Trends Gazelles in each province.

These growing companies are not only a source of energy for our economy but also a real inspiration for entrepreneurs.
The Trends Gazelle title is recognised in the business world because of its national reputation and regional recognition.

The selection of Trends Gazelles is based on growth figures:

  • Growth in added value over the last 5 accounting years
  • Growth in personnel
  • Growth in cash flow


A very nice recognition for iKanbi

As you can see, this nomination is a real recognition for all our teams who give 100% to continue to develop our company more than 30 years after its creation and continue to satisfy our customers in the management of their customer service!

iKanbi took a very respectable ninth place in the Trends Gazelles ranking in the Province of Liège.

Thank you to each and every one of our employees without whom this long adventure would not be possible.

An iKanbi internal application, developed by and for iKanbi employees!

An iKanbi internal application, developed by and for iKanbi employees! 600 371 Emilie Coene

This week, iKanbi launched its own request, incident and support service management platform. 

This internal ticketing application is designed to manage and track the requests sent by iKanbi’s staff to the company’s HR, IT, Facilities and BI (Management) departments.

You may well be wondering why we developed our own application. Isn’t there a plethora of existing and easy-to-use software on the market?

iKanbi decided to develop its own application for several reasons.

Firstly, we needed a tool to centralise requests, instead of using the various internal communication channels (email, chat, telephone, etc.)

Centralising requests via a single channel


Secondly, we wanted to simplify the process by providing preliminary analysis of the types of requests and making it possible to manage these requests. This simplification has included structuring the HR, IT, Facilities and BI interfaces and integrating predefined and undefined fields in the forms. This makes it easier to allocate requests and manage their monitoring in the background.

Lastly, we wanted to give iKanbi’s employees more autonomy when creating and tracking their requests. Most of the created tickets don’t require managerial approval; they can therefore be managed personally by iKanbi’s employees.

After an in-depth market study, it became clear that no software reflected the reality of the working lives of iKanbi’s staff. In addition to acquiring a licence per user, significant modifications and adaptations would have been required to reflect this reality; this would inevitably have led to major additional costs. Consequently, the decision to create an iKanbi product for iKanbi’s employees, based on their actual needs, seemed to be the obvious choice.

Working alongside a “multi-department” project team, the Web Development team took up the challenge. In-depth analysis of the various requests received by the HR, IT and Facilities departments made it possible to categorise and implement a system to manage and monitor the flow of requests.

This application is the result of several months of work and the synergies between the different teams and the Web Development team.

Needless to say, improving services both for external and internal customers is a key part of our culture at iKanbi. This tool has been designed as part of a continuous improvement process, thanks to the statistics it can collect. Whether they focus on the types of requests, the types of answers, the processing time, the recurrence of certain incidents or other information, these statistics objectify trends and provide insights. For example, the processing of some requests could be automated in the future. Similarly, a notification system on the home interface has been created: it provides a warning when an incident impacts several employees. This avoids redundancy in the reporting of this incident.

It’s a well designed application which is just waiting to be used!

iKanbi wishes you all the best for 2022!

iKanbi wishes you all the best for 2022! 1280 720 Emilie Coene